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How Supply Chain Management Can Reduce Hospital Costs

SCM & Hospitals

Supply chain leaders within healthcare are under immense pressure to reduce cost across their systems. In the US alone, hospitals are estimated to lose $54 billion in net income in 2021.

Robust utilization data is one way that healthcare supply chain leaders can increase their bottom line and improve the revenue management cycle. Dynamic access to “centralized, consumable, and real-time data allow health systems to determine what’s needed, what’s in stock, and the scope of future demand.” Hospital supply chain systems employ data across their system to capture demand, eliminate waste, and avoid redundancy.

Eliminating waste and redundancy across the medical supply chain is just one example. Supply chain knowledge and data can be employed across a health system to achieve price reductions, utilization optimization, and standardization that drive value to the health system.

Does the Healthcare Supply Chain Affect Patient Outcomes?

In today’s value-based care model, health system leaders are required to improve patient outcomes despite the necessity to reduce cost. In particular, supply chain management in the healthcare industry plays a critical role in improving patient outcomes to achieve reimbursement through incentive alignment.

For example, decisions surrounding supply selection solicit feedback from the hospital supply chain teams and clinicians to optimize patient outcomes and source cost-effective supplies. These teams can be aligned through detailed data. Utilization and clinical outcomes data provide the opportunity for medical supply chain teams and clinicians to make decisions that achieve the goals of the health system. Linking supply chain related items such as product standardization to patient outcomes enable these teams to align on the most cost-effective and clinically optimal choice.

What is the Future of the Healthcare Supply Chain?

Supply chain management is a critical function in the healthcare industry. The elimination of unnecessary costs, patient outcome improvement, and increased reimbursement are only a few of the significant benefits optimal supply chain management provides. Emphasis on data collection and employment, incentive alignment, and vendor management are a few avenues that healthcare organizations can utilize to achieve these goals in the future.

At Pathstone Partners, we specialize in helping healthcare systems across several different markets navigate the complexities of their supply chain. With our years of experience in clinical purchased service and supplies, we can assist with everything from supplier contract review to price negotiations.

Contact us online to learn more about our healthcare consulting solutions and how we can help create efficiency in your supply chain.

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