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Our Solutions

Clinical Supplies

Healthcare Consulting Group Illinois (9)

Clinical Supplies Expertise

Clinical supplies and services are the backbone of healthcare organizations all over the country and directly impact a patient’s quality of care. With recent increases in clinical purchased services, hospitals have increased attention and focus into cost saving initiatives. At Pathstone, we have found that about 30-35% of a hospital’s total non-labor spend is dedicated to clinical supplies and services making this a prime opportunity to drive value for our clients.

Pathstone Partners has a proven successful track record in driving value for clients across many categories, including clinical supplies and purchased services. While the clinical space often presents unique challenges and sensitivities, our data-driven approach allows clinical leadership teams to make informed decisions for their facilities.

A key success measure for clinical supplies and purchased services implemented by our healthcare consultants is the collaboration with clinical leadership. By collaborating with these clinical leadership teams, Pathstone Partners gains trust and buy-in from physicians and end-users right off the bat.

Who We Work With
  • Chief Nursing Officer (CNO)
  • Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
  • Perioperative Director and Critical Care Director
Solutions & Benefits
  • Supplier contract review & negotiations
  • Price negotiations
  • Supplier standardization