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Cost Reduction Initiatives For Healthcare Organizations

Cost Reduction Initiatives

Cutting costs can be tricky, especially when patient health is on the line. Targeting spending less in larger areas like staff, supplies and equipment seems simple. However, these are essential to keeping the hospital running efficiently and delivering a positive patient experience.

Instead, consider the following initiatives as alternative ways to create a successful cost-reduction strategy.

Optimize Revenue Cycle

A healthcare revenue cycle helps organizations stay financially healthy as they provide services for treating patients. Some factors can enhance the revenue cycle and help avoid debt collection. These include:

  • Patient education: Patients should continually be educated on the costs of care, especially early in the treatment. Financially clearing patients early and consistently can help them be prepared and not confused when bills arrive in the mail.
  • Electronic medical billing: Provide online payment opportunities for patients to conveniently and quickly pay their bills.
  • Data analytics: As we mentioned before, data analytics are important in maintaining costs. With this concept, you can get a clearer picture by analyzing your revenue cycle trends.
  • Process updates: Continue to revisit your daily operations to ensure all pieces work smoothly. You can address any issues at the root and adjust strategies where needed to avoid large costs or debt for later maintenance.
Improve Supply Chain

The post-COVID supply chain has greatly improved through enhanced communication opportunities between the medical staff and management. Doctors relaying helpful information on certain products and treatments to management can improve the inventory of adequate medical supplies.

Additionally, regularly evaluate your suppliers. Are they providing quality products at a reasonable price? From here, identify what goods are being transported along the supply chain, including how much of the product is being delivered vs. how much you use between shipments. Knowing what and how much you use can help avoid wasting equipment.

Optimize Information and Digital Technology

Technology continues to advance, and healthcare organizations are beginning to use that to their advantage. Hospitals can utilize technology to create efficiency and cut costs by doing the following:

  • Automate administrative tasks: Doctors spending hours on monotonous administrative tasks can take up more than just time. Technology can make these tasks more cost-effective by automatically importing test results into a patient file, scheduling appointments and providing prescription information to patients.
  • Improve workflow and operations: Technology automation can reduce the risk of human error, saving the hospital from negligence claims. Implementing telehealth can also improve a clinician’s productivity through e-prescription refills and e-visits, allowing the clinician to see more patients.
  • Rethink human resource expenses: Digital applications can analyze labor demands, identify open beds and check equipment status to allow clinicians to focus on patient outcomes.
  • Process digital claims: An automated digital claim processor can assist patients with billing, improving turnaround time and reducing fraudulent claims.
Optimize Labor and Streamline Management Structures

Labor expenses are expensive for hospitals, so discovering where to cut costs in this realm could be very beneficial. You can start by looking over your current medical staffing schedule and administrative positions.

In short, it is about optimizing the right labor in the right departments. Every unit should have a list of necessary tasks and noticeable credentials that need to be fulfilled in each. For example, if nurses are responsible for food delivery in a particular unit, consider hiring a less expensive food tech to pass out trays. Doing so can reduce five nurses to four by eliminating a task from their list that can be handled by another employee.

You can also recognize trends in your organization and adjust the staff. Are there seasons or certain circumstances where patient counts are likely to increase? This process may take some time in the beginning, but it could save you quite a bit of money in the end.

Additionally, for every doctor, there are 16 healthcare workers — and only six are involved in patient care. The other 10 are administrative roles.

Now, these labor and management structures can be simplified. Technology can help streamline a patient’s care and reduce administrative costs but sometimes only leads to workload reduction. Technology in healthcare should streamline these processes instead of creating additional work.

Each administrative position should have a specific role that works for the good of the whole. Let the mundane tasks be taken over by technology, such as scheduling appointments, billing patients, managing patient communications and collecting payments.

Improve Patient Throughput

Now, take a look at your patient flow. Are things moving efficiently? Identifying ways your patient flow can improve is another area of strategic cost reduction.

Consider the following to improve your patient throughput:

  • Enhance collaboration between caregivers across units.
  • Improve communication between a caregiver and patient.
  • Continuously monitor the patient and make good notes.
  • Allow caregivers to spend more time with patients.

Every patient should be seen with the same careful attention in a timely manner. Doing so will improve the patient experience and decrease bottlenecks, reducing delays and ensuring the maximum occupancy for each hospital bed.

Optimize Utilization

Utilization in healthcare defines the usage of products or services within a certain hospital. This is another area where data analytics can be beneficial, as they can accurately assess current operations. Understanding what your hospital uses can help you avoid overtreatment and lower costs while increasing trust.

You can also optimize utilization by encouraging employee feedback. For example, when looking at the data, get a second opinion from employees before deciding what areas are unnecessary. A well-planned feedback system maintains consistent data to take action with, even when you aren’t in a crunch. This system can help your organization stay on top of cutting overall costs.

Introduce a Hospital Asset Management Plan

Hospitals spend a lot on fixed assets, including physical infrastructures like heating, air conditioning, ventilation, plumbing and generators. These assets also include healthcare-specific items like wheelchairs and beds. Instead of reducing the use of these needed items, aim to protect them through a hospital asset management plan.

A hospital asset management plan can help maintain a safe and clean environment in the most cost-effective way possible. Some ways to do this are by tracking your hospital’s most critical equipment, ensuring safety requirements are met and supporting a preventive maintenance approach.

Get the Results You Deserve With Pathstone Partners

At Pathstone Partners, we are committed to providing your company with the right plan to reduce costs. Our healthcare consultants can help you identify, implement and sustain a cost-reduction plan that fits your organization’s exact needs. Contact us today to get started.

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